
High contrast black and white photography

It's not that easy to turn photo into black and white photo, sometimes it's not exactly black and white photo as I wanted it to be. I usually turn my photo into black and white photo by changing the color mode into grayscale, and by doing that I usually lost my photo sharpness or it's contras. Well with this new technique I don't have to worry about my photo sharpness or contrast, I hope you learn something new here...

Put this video on you blog

Read these the step by step tutorial if you like :

1. Open calculations tool by click image/calculations.

2. Change the blending mode into soft light.

3. Change the source #2 channel for the best contrast.

4. Choose new document for result, so your new image will be in new decument.
5. Click OK to continue.

Now you have a nice high contrast black and white photo rather than a dull B/W photo

You might wanna see this:
1. Black & White Photography Techniques with Adobe Photoshop by Maurice Hamilton.
2. Professional Techniques for Black & White Digital Photography by Patrick Rice.
3. Digital Infrared Photographyby Patrick Rice.
4. Photoshop Masking & Compositing by Katrin Eismann.
5. Adobe Photoshop CS2 Studio Techniques by Ben Willmore.

4 komentar:

Anonymous said...

keren sih,

tapi bukannya pake curve,
curve shadow ditarik ke arah kanan bawah, bukannya shadownya juga jadi pekat ? alias jadi kontrast...

my 2 cent..

angelG said...

how do I deal with this alpha channel that gets created?..

Anonymous said...

thanks for this - it really makes a difference :)

how can we then save this document as JPG - or apply filters on it ie sepia? It stays as a channel?


Unknown said...

After completing all the steps, convert the image back to grayscale.
Image> Mode> Grayscale.

You are then able to save the image in various file formats including jpg.