
replace the background color of an image within Photoshop

A close friend in real life asked me if there’s an easy way to replace the background color of an image within Photoshop. And I told him there are many different ways, but he had asked me about the replace color tool.

Now, I have used this tool quite a bit but I know not many people do. And to be honest, not many people actually know it exists. So what this tool does is exactly what its name is. It can replace the background color or any and all color you choose in an image in a few easy steps

So what I’m going to show you today is how to remove or just adjust the blue background under this image from this color to this color. It’s pretty basic, it’s really quick, and I hope you’ll learn something from it. The purpose of this tutorial is not to show you how to make the outcome of this image. It’s just to show off this tool. Are you guys ready? Let’s get started.

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